It’s YOUR Health, Know the Why

How to Stabilize Your Core: The Transverse Abdominis
Pain Cari Sgroi Pain Cari Sgroi

How to Stabilize Your Core: The Transverse Abdominis

When you think of the core, what muscles do you think of? Most people will say the abs and maybe the obliques or the lats; however, there are so many deeper muscles that contribute to the stability of your core, support your spine, and assist in breathing! This month on the blog, we will be discussing strengthening all aspects of the core. In addition, we will focus on 1 muscle that is so often overlooked but does so much….the transverse abdominis (TA).

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The Hip Joint: An Essential Component in Treating and Preventing Knee and Low Back Pain
Pain Cari Sgroi Pain Cari Sgroi

The Hip Joint: An Essential Component in Treating and Preventing Knee and Low Back Pain

The hip joint, in my opinion, is one of the most overlooked joints in the body when it comes to fitness and injury prevention. While hip pain is not nearly as common as low back or knee pain, it is the culprit behind both of these in many cases. The hip joint is a ball and socket joint. It is the articulation of the acetabulum in the pelvis (socket) and the head of the femur (ball).

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Desk Jobs: Preventing Aches and Pains
Pain Cari Sgroi Pain Cari Sgroi

Desk Jobs: Preventing Aches and Pains

After the previous crazy year and a half, we have had more people than ever work from home and spend more and more time sitting for work. People who sit for 8 or more hours per day are at increased risk for diabetes, anxiety/depression, decreased bone density, musculoskeletal pain, and reduced circulation, putting them at greater risk for stroke or heart attack.

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